
Traces: contemporary dance & live electroacoustics by Aggeloskoni Da.Co. First performance, 27 Mai 2011, Argo theatre, Athens Greece

AggeloSkoni Da.Co. presents “Traces”, a dance piece of personal impressions. The visual artist Panagiotis Daramaras and the choreographer Angelica Papadatos meet on the stage for the first time, they collaborate and co-create materializing a memory, a moment of everyday, a trace of life. The performing body, female and male, is used as a vehicle for indicating the endless transformation which takes place when two people meet, interact, bond, mould, merge, in time only to reappear as two different beings. Composer Stelios Giannoulakis responds to movement and atmosphere through the piece with live electroacoustic music, structuring abstracted sonic materials in a similar journey of audible transformation, supported by sounds the performers make on stage.

A chair, a table and a textile coexist while moving in the covered with ashes monochrome set design, they leave their traces behind while changing roles, dimensions and images into a fluid sound-space of memories and free associations.

Concept/Choreography/Performance/Set design:
Angelica Papadatos, Panagiotis Daramaras
Composition & live music performance: Stelios Giannoulakis
Αssistant Choreographer/production manager: Kelly Karachaliou
Lighting Designer: Apostolis Strantzalis
Costumes: Nikos Antoniou
Voice: Mata Kourti

Production: AggeloSkoni Da.Co.


About stelios giannoulakis

composition, sound design, engineering, improvisation
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